Chevrolet Spark VIN Decoder
Sometimes buying a car is a headache. For example, you bought one and it turns damaged or even worst stolen. To prevent this type of situation the international institute ISO creates a unique code similar to a fingerprint for a person. By decoding it you will get the past history of your purchase. You are going to know about the accidents, damages, or repaired and replaced components.
In this article, you will find all the tips that help you to receive all this and even more.
What is a VIN?
As we mentioned above the ISO international institute creates the standard form that the US and most of Europe use. So, it doesn’t matter where the car was built, it must have 17 symbols and contain letters and digits. This is the short form of a vehicle identification number. But, it has a huge role in the buying process. Decrypt allows you to obtain all the info about your purchase, such as the transmission, model, body, repaired part, ect.
When the production begins every product receives its verification number. To make it clear it is like our ID card or passport. Additionally, this gives you the opportunity to follow all the processes in the early stages. And the history starts here because they make a record of all the details and work that is being done in manufacturing.
How does this work?
When the production starts the automakers supply each product with its own identification card. After this begins the stages of creating the record. Information like the manufacture place, year, origin, restraint system, and so on, they provide exactly in this stage. But, info about accidents, damages, ect, is the next one. When the owner takes the automobile to the service and the technician makes a record about the job. Or when it was in the accident and the insurance issued the details about it. And this is how it all happens.
Where is located VIN?
Firstly, you need to find it, so you will be able to decode it. Manufacturers put it in places where people easily have access such as cabins. So, to find it, look at the jamp or frame on the driver’s side, directly above the wheel, under the windshield, or on the dashboard. But, there can be problems connected with identifying or reading it. In this case, just search in the documents, for instance, in the insurance card.
What information does it provide?
As we said with the help of this you are getting the full report. It has 17 characters and each of them has meaning. There are both digits and letters. It started to have this form after 1981, before that machines had only 11 symbols or didn't have at all.
By definition, the characters are divided into 5 groups. And decoding it gives you data like:
What is a VIN?
- country of origin, the model, and the type, or division of the automaker.
- types of engine, transmission, restraint system, and body.
- model year and the plant code.
- sequence numbers of the manufacturer.
In addition to this, it has a checking digit. That helps to identify problems and bugs in the sequence.
How to use a decoder?
In order to receive all the info listed above. You must utilize the online decoder. So, for that choose an online tool, then just enter it in a searching area, wait for some seconds and that’s all you have all history in your hands. The NHTSA (Administration of National Highway Traffic Safety) collects all of them and then uses this kind of online tool to inform people.
Can I share VIN?
TSharing is a usual practice in the selling process. First of all, it just gives a report about the machine. And this is no secret. Second, everyone who has access to the cabin is able to look at it on and in the auto. But, this is not sure, as it is also seen from the windshield. So, people also are able to see it there.